How your Bequest can Make a Difference

Your bequest will help fund every aspect of prevention and cures for gastro intestinal cancers through clinical care and research.


Support our Most Vital Needs

Bequests made without specified intentions will be directed to the most vital areas of need within The Gut Foundation. An unencumbered bequest is the most flexible way to benefit the Foundation

Support Research

Your bequest will assist The Gut Foundation to fund research and education of all aspects of gastrointestinal and digestive health, including finding cures to some of the most common digestive diseases.

Fund Scholarships and Awards

You could establish a scholarship, award or prize to support up and coming young medical practitioners studying or researching into aspects of gastrointestinal and digestive health

How to Leave a Legacy to the Gut Foundation

Leaving a legacy in your will is the only way to guarantee that your estate go to the people and causes that you care.

However, because a will is a legal document, we advise that you use a solicitor to help you draft it. That way you can be sure that your wishes will be carried out to the letter.

There are four ways to leave a legacy to The Gut Foundation:

Percentage Bequest

A specified percentage of your total estate

Residual Bequest

The remainder of your estate (the residue) after all debts, charges and gifts have been deducted. 

Specific Bequest

An asset (other than money). This may include property, paintings and shares

Pecuniary Bequest

A gift of a fixed amount of money.

If you choose to leave The Gut Foundation a bequest, we suggest your solicitor uses the following wording:


“I give to The Gut Foundation the sum of $_____________________ or xx%, share,residue of my estate, which I direct to be paid free of all expenses and duties of whatever kind and I express the wish that


(a)Such sum be used to support_________________ (eg scholarships, research & education etc) for The Gut Foundation


(b)I express the wish that this be done in the name/memory of (insert your chosen name)


and I direct that the receipt from The Gut Foundation shall be sufficient discharge to my trustee.”


Please make sure your solicitor checks the final wording before you send it to us.

What to do if you aready have a will

If you have already made a will, simply ask your solicitor to add a codicil. A codicil is a document made subsequent to the signing of a will, with the intention of altering one or some of the provisions in the will.


Adding a codicil to your will is actually very simple. We suggest the following wording but again check the final document with your solicitor.


“I (your name) of (your address) declare this to be a (first or other) codicil to my will dated (date of will). In addition to any legacies given in my said will, I will give The Gut Foundation (…% share of my estate, or the sum of…, or a specific item) to be used for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of its Hon Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.


In all other respects I confirm my said will and any previous codicils thereto.”

Keeping your will up to date

Over the years lives can change dramatically. Births, marriages, deaths, divorce and new bequests can all play a part. A will requires continuing periodic review and can be altered easily by means of a codicil. You should review your will every five years or whenever there is a major change in your circumstances.

Keeping your will safe

Once your will has been signed it should be kept in a safe place, either at home or deposited in the bank. Alternatively, you can leave your will with your solicitor. Whatever you decide, it is important that your Executors are informed about the storage arrangements.


If you are interested in leaving a bequest, contact us on (02) 9398 9546 or [email protected].

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We're on a mission to prevent bowel disease through better nutrition, education, and research.

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